Tesco Community Project Funding: Ukrainian Support – Report and Feedback

18 Jul 2024

At the time of the initial application many Ukrainian refugees were fleeing the war and coming to settle in the Uk with host families. The Emotional Logic method is designed to support people through life’s challenging transitions and we wanted to be able to share this with the refugees and the host families. While it was obvious that traumatised refugees would need support, it was generally unconsidered about the impact these changes would have on the host families. We know that providing tools for effective emotional communication can prevent host placement breakdown and create a more positive experience for all.

We initially advertised and provided Personal Learning Appointments (PLAs) with free materials led by a trained Coach, to local Ukrainian refugees. This provided a space to explore their emotional world. A session was also provided for a host family with their guest to support them as they explored and navigated some tricky situations within the home. The benefit of the EL method is that it can continue to be used, without risk, in the home after the session.

In parallel with this grant project we had employed one of the previous PLA refugees to translate the EL written and online materials into Ukrainian. This ensured accessibility for those who were unable to speak full English. The online tools also allowed for Ukranians still at home to access the support too. 

An free introduction session was held in Plymouth for 12 refugees. This was very successful and all who attended wanted further information.

Following this we ran a series of 2x 2hr workshops for 19 people, including 4 children. All participants were given access to the Online Introductory Course- a very accessible video-based course. Some children’s materials were also provided. One refugee volunteered to set up a WhatsApp group to facilitate communication and ongoing learning.

With the remaining budget we have been able to support one Ukranian lady to continue her learning and work towards becoming a resource person within the community. This ensures continued support as they integrate and settle into life in the UK.

A highlight of the project has been seeing the development of one of the refugees. She attended one of the early PLAs and continued learning about EL (accessing our further training). Due to this she was able to co facilitate the workshops, translating as necessary. This made the workshops increasingly accessible to other refugees ensuring that all were heard and understood. But most importantly she gained confidence and a sense of usefulness and worth which she had been missing terribly since the evacuation.

I want to thank you on my behalf and on behalf of Ukrainian women for the opportunity to participate in the meeting on Emotional Logic! It was very important for me to understand the relationship between the processes in my psyche and body, as well as to distinguish between my emotions and how to cope with them. Every person needs this knowledge and skills to maintain their mental health, and especially Ukrainians who continue to live through a difficult period in their lives. Thank you for your knowledge and excellent organization. Looking forward to meeting you again.

Ukrainian Refugee

We are very grateful to the Tesco Community Fund project for enabling us to support the local refugee community and their host families. The benefits of this project will continue due to the newly equipped Ukrainian speaking resources people and resources in the area.

For further information about this project and how you can support it please contact the office.