We teach practical, innovative, lifelong learning skills for everyone to reduce stress, increase resilience and promote adaptability. Turn life’s challenges into personal growth.
Charity no: 1107527 | Registered no: 04756998
Frances Griffiths has beautifully penned a poem about her experience of Emotional Logic and how the process can take shape. A few tiny snippets before you download the poem…
“….See emotions have their uses
If I’d known it was so simple
I’d have done it long ago
I got caught up in the whirlpools
And just couldn’t let it flow
I’d like to share this process…”
“….Logic always is the answer
Logic always wins the day
But the chaos of emotions, well,
Seem to just get in the way…”
“….So moving on now in my world
As I pull back all the covers
I find that knowing how I feel
Guides me to help the others
My conversations now you see
Are more fun and so creative…”
Reading this poetic story will inspire you…